Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The 5 Elements for Collective Conscious Consumption

The 5 Elements for Collective Conscious Consumption​​

Who does not love good food? Especially comfort food after a stressful day at work or after a busy day running around doing mommy or daddy duties? Or even better, a glass of wine to top it off when kids are asleep. Ahh so good! 

I have always loved food and struggled to resist my favorites. After all, I work hard to eat and that includes listening to what I crave for at any time, any day. Although my intuition is strong and I follow what my spiritual gut tells me (about everything and anyone else), I fail to listen to the biological signals my physical gut is sending me. For a long while, there was a disconnect here. Until I could no longer ignore it. 

There was a reason why I was forgetting my age whenever someone asked me. It’s because I was stuck at my age ten years ago. I still treated myself like I was still twenty seven, when I had so much energy, when I still metabolized anything I consumed, when I was able to go on with sleepless nights (and could even do four night shifts in a row), and when I still did not have kids. BOOM. The reality is, I am not the same as before!

I struggled so much to be healthy. I was at war with high blood pressure and defeated by maintenance daily dosage of antihypertensive pills, which changed so many times in a span of two years by the way. I admitted that I was harsh to my own heart and did not take it into consideration, until it started to become affected. Prior to that, I was aware that my gallbladder was doing its own thing, growing and nurturing a polyp. So now it grew even more, and my right kidney is joining the trend, growing things in it too. I should be happy I’m not dealing with cancer yet.

And I don’t plan to! (This is my brain talking–the strongest internal organ I am proud to have in my human body, as it can withstand anything and it houses my strong willpower!).

Because I want more time. Time to see my kids grow and have their own babies someday. And when that time comes I would like to help them look after my grandchildren, and enjoy the wheel of life that I once experienced with my own grandparents.

I have reached the point where I have to accept that I am not allowed to eat what I want to eat anymore, and drink the social drinks anymore. I have to get used to eating healthy, targeted to heal specific problems I am dealing with. I have to get off the comfy couch when I am tired and just hit that treadmill to get my cardio going. I have to change my ways completely. I have to live.

I’m sure most of you can still indulge, and I envy you! But why is this whole blog beneficial to the collective consciousness? It is not meant to preach and tell you to eat healthy and exercise in the same way as we all hear it (because clearly I was not able to walk the talk in the past, even when I am licensed to have this knowledge as a healthcare professional for years).

As I am making these conscious changes, I can hear clearer and it’s becoming easier for me to channel messages–and here it goes: This experience revealed to me that I needed to detox badly so that one I can live longer, and two, I can be an effective, clear vessel (spiritually speaking). What is coming through is that one of my multiple purposes right now is to bring you all with me in my transformative journey by sharing this information. I was told it will benefit a lot of you too!

Think of the 5 Natural Elements​


Eat Organics. Consciously eat veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds (grown naturally from the soil) daily. Do your own research on which ones you need the most! Also, try to eat the harvest of the season! The benefits?

  • PHYSICAL – deep cellular healing, promotes growth, and immune boost (to name a few)
  • MENTAL – memory and cognitive boost
  • EMOTIONAL – elevates mood in so many levels
  • SPIRITUAL – nourished body equals nourished soul (body and soul as one)


Drink Plenty of Water. Increase water consumption daily. As simple as it sounds (although I know it’s hard to do). The benefits?

  • PHYSICAL – flushes out of toxins and wastes, increases energy
  • MENTAL – oxygenates brain and decreases confusion
  • EMOTIONAL – decreases risk for dehydration (dehydration linked to depression)
  • SPIRITUAL – purification and renewal


Breathe in Nature. Walk or run outdoors regularly. There is healing magic when you step into nature! The benefits? 

  • PHYSICAL – increases circulation, immunity boost, energy boost, reduces risk for numerous diseases
  • MENTAL – increases concentration
  • EMOTIONAL – brightens mood, reduces stress
  • SPIRITUAL – increases spiritual growth and increases sense of exhilaration


Exercise to Burn those Calories. I know, so clichéd! But really, it is proven to be powerful! The benefits are also a given!

  • PHYSICAL – increases circulation, energy boost, decreases inflammation
  • MENTAL – oxygenates brain, increases mental acuity
  • EMOTIONAL – releases endorphins and boosts confidence
  • SPIRITUAL – fulfills spiritual callings


Meditate. Go within and reflect in silence. Praying is a form of meditation in which we communicate with our God (according to our faith, for those who practice religion), and then listening in silence to receive any guidance coming from the higher realms. Guided meditations are also easily accessible now, and the beauty is that you can pick and choose based on your focused intentions. This is much needed in our modern life as we are living in a busy and noisy environment! Practicing meditation is life changing. The benefits?

  • PHYSICAL – immunity boost and pain relief
  • MENTAL – productivity boost
  • EMOTIONAL – fights against anxiety and depression
  • SPIRITUAL – purpose and clarity, spiritual guidance

We are all well aware of these great benefits, especially during these times when we are given way too much info online! I just simplified it for you to easily remember them through symbolism (that is how I learn best, through visuals!)

So which one is your favorite? Which one is most doable for you? They can all be, I promise! Really, I am the last person to follow all of them, but here I am, and feeling the best (in a long long while!).

In summary, I invite you to join me in my journey to pay close attention to what we ingest (from all of our senses) in order for us to see, experience, and enjoy the new earth in this golden age with our crystal children (stay tuned for my next blog about crystal children). 

Image credit to David Mark from Pixabay (used above)

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Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The 5 Elements for Collective Conscious Consumption

The 5 Elements for Collective Conscious Consumption​

Who does not love good food? Especially comfort food after a stressful day at work or after a busy day running around doing mommy or daddy duties? Or even better, a glass of wine to top it off when kids are asleep. Ahh so good! 

I have always loved food and struggled to resist my favorites. After all, I work hard to eat and that includes listening to what I crave for at any time, any day. Although my intuition is strong and I follow what my spiritual gut tells me (about everything and anyone else), I fail to listen to the biological signals my physical gut is sending me. For a long while, there was a disconnect here. Until I could no longer ignore it. 

There was a reason why I was forgetting my age whenever someone asked me. It’s because I was stuck at my age ten years ago. I still treated myself like I was still twenty seven, when I had so much energy, when I still metabolized anything I consumed, when I was able to go on with sleepless nights (and could even do four night shifts in a row), and when I still did not have kids. BOOM. The reality is, I am not the same as before!

I struggled so much to be healthy. I was at war with high blood pressure and defeated by maintenance daily dosage of antihypertensive pills, which changed so many times in a span of two years by the way. I admitted that I was harsh to my own heart and did not take it into consideration, until it started to become affected. Prior to that, I was aware that my gallbladder was doing its own thing, growing and nurturing a polyp. So now it grew even more, and my right kidney is joining the trend, growing things in it too. I should be happy I’m not dealing with cancer yet.

And I don’t plan to! (This is my brain talking–the strongest internal organ I am proud to have in my human body, as it can withstand anything and it houses my strong willpower!).

Because I want more time. Time to see my kids grow and have their own babies someday. And when that time comes I would like to help them look after my grandchildren, and enjoy the wheel of life that I once experienced with my own grandparents. 

I have reached the point where I have to accept that I am not allowed to eat what I want to eat anymore, and drink the social drinks anymore. I have to get used to eating healthy, targeted to heal specific problems I am dealing with. I have to get off the comfy couch when I am tired and just hit that treadmill to get my cardio going. I have to change my ways completely. I have to live.

I’m sure most of you can still indulge, and I envy you! But why is this whole blog beneficial to the collective consciousness? It is not meant to preach and tell you to eat healthy and exercise in the same way as we all hear it (because clearly I was not able to walk the talk in the past, even when I am licensed to have this knowledge as a healthcare professional for years).

As I am making these conscious changes, I can hear clearer and it’s becoming easier for me to channel messages–and here it goes: This experience revealed to me that I needed to detox badly so that one I can live longer, and two, I can be an effective, clear vessel (spiritually speaking). What is coming through is that one of my multiple purposes right now is to bring you all with me in my transformative journey by sharing this information. I was told it will benefit a lot of you too!

Think of the 5 Natural Elements


Eat Organics. Consciously eat veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds (grown naturally from the soil) daily. Do your own research on which ones you need the most! Also, try to eat the harvest of the season! The benefits?

  • PHYSICAL – deep cellular healing, promotes growth, and immune boost (to name a few)
  • MENTAL – memory and cognitive boost
  • EMOTIONAL – elevates mood in so many levels
  • SPIRITUAL – nourished body equals nourished soul (body and soul as one)


Drink Plenty of Water. Increase water consumption daily. As simple as it sounds (although I know it’s hard to do). The benefits?

  • PHYSICAL – flushes out of toxins and wastes, increases energy
  • MENTAL – oxygenates brain and decreases confusion
  • EMOTIONAL – decreases risk for dehydration (dehydration linked to depression)
  • SPIRITUAL – purification and renewal


Breathe in Nature. Walk or run outdoors regularly. There is healing magic when you step into nature! The benefits? 

  • PHYSICAL – increases circulation, immunity boost, energy boost, reduces risk for numerous diseases
  • MENTAL – increases concentration
  • EMOTIONAL – brightens mood, reduces stress
  • SPIRITUAL – increases spiritual growth and increases sense of exhilaration


Exercise to Burn those Calories. I know, so clichéd! But really, it is proven to be powerful! The benefits are also a given!

  • PHYSICAL – increases circulation, energy boost, decreases inflammation
  • MENTAL – oxygenates brain, increases mental acuity
  • EMOTIONAL – releases endorphins and boosts confidence
  • SPIRITUAL – fulfills spiritual callings


Meditate. Go within and reflect in silence. This is much needed in our modern life as we are living in a busy and noisy environment! Practicing meditation is life changing. The benefits?

  • PHYSICAL – immunity boost and pain relief
  • MENTAL – productivity boost
  • EMOTIONAL – fights against anxiety and depression
  • SPIRITUAL – purpose and clarity


We are all well aware of these great benefits, especially during these times when we are given way too much info online! I just simplified it for you to easily remember them through symbolism (that is how I learn best, through visuals!)

So which one is your favorite? Which one is most doable for you? They can all be, I promise! Really, I am the last person to follow all of them, but here I am, and feeling the best (in a long long while!).

In summary, I invite you to join me in my journey to pay close attention to what we ingest (from all of our senses) in order for us to see, experience, and enjoy the new earth in this golden age with our crystal children (stay tuned for my next blog about crystal children). 

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