5 Key Things to Battle Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression is alarmingly increasing in North America. What is Postpartum Depression anyway? According to Health Link BC, Postpartum Depression is “a serious illness that can occur in the first few months after childbirth. It also can happen after miscarriage and stillbirth.” It adds that it “can make you feel very sad, hopeless, and worthless. You may have trouble caring for and bonding with your baby.”

As a millenial (born between the years of 1980 and 1995) woman who is busy juggling fulltime career and fulltime family life, I am not going to deny how easy it is to fall into this dark and scary path. You can be the healthiest or have the most supportive husband (like mine) and still feel like nothing can lift your spirits. Any new mom (first time or not) can experience this no matter what delivery method experienced (C-section or vaginal), age, marital status (married or single mom), or financial status. Because our hormones can go out of whack any time of day and go whichever random route–towards the mood labeled as good, not so good, mad, really mad, sad, really sad.

Why feel so negative? Having a baby is supposed to be (and it truly is) one of the most exciting, most fulfilling, life changing event that can take place in a woman’s life. But once the baby is out, we realize it is the real deal. No matter how you prepare for it, sometimes it may not be how you think it will be. And you will have to adjust everyday. I mean, you will have to continuously learn while baby is also learning to live outside the womb. Overwhelmed from day to day duties (especially those with multiple dependants), strained relationships from emotional outburts, sleepless nights, and hormonal imbalance, combined altogether is the perfect recipe for a mental disaster. I am with you, and I know this is easier said than done. Note that good nutrition is not part of my list, and I probably should, but I thought that’s a whole new blog topic on its own that I will work on soon. Again like everyone else, healthier food choices is a “given” need to nourish and heal ourselves. So aside from healthier food choices, let these five interrelated key things help you:

  1. Get Some Sleep When the Baby Sleeps

Almost every experienced mom and grandmom has told me this and it is true. This is the only way you can get some sleep (if you have no help). If this is your first baby you are lucky because you can totally do this. Otherwise, if baby is not your first born, you will have to figure out another way. You deserve some rest too mama, and you need to regenerate your brain! Especially we now become forgetful! Do you agree?

2. Make an Effort to Exercise

Just like any human being, exercise is a must. Not only this will result in a look-good-feel-good disposition in us women (who just gained so much weight from pregnancy); this will also give us a boost of oxygen in the brain! This equals to mental acuity and increased confidence. Exercise makes us well equipped to be the strong supermamas we aspire to be. What if you have no time? Believe me, you can make time for it.

3. Establish Support Network

Sometimes all it takes is have another person who goes thru the exact same thing as you, so that you will feel normal again. It is so much fun to be friends with other moms who can totally relate to you! Or, maybe you just need another adult to talk to. But it’s important to be able to talk, vent, or cry with someone, rather than be alone and deal with it by yourself. Absolutely no one there? Your community will have some mom and baby programs offered so you can interact with others! Please look it up. Step out of your comfort zone and I promise you will realize that other moms go thru the same as you!

4. Get Busy!

Do not leave your mind unoccupied because this will create other thoughts. Having a lot of time to overthink can lead you astray. Instead, find stuff to do! I have witnessed that the multitasking mamas thrive on getting busy. They are so productive, they get exercise, they meet people, and most of all, they are actively involved in their kids’ lives.

5. Find an Outlet

What kind of outlet? Something that you really enjoy! For example, during my first ever maternity leave, I developed my love for scrapbooking! I learned the basics through one of my support systems (best friend), and this tied in with my personal get busy program (so my mind does not wander). You will discover something new about yourself upon uncovering your hidden talents. You can unleash your creativity with this one and you may even earn money from a new hobby you recently started liking!

Some of us may need to fight harder than others due to certain life circumstances or maybe due to genetic predisposition. As long as we have the awareness that we can try to battle it, we have the power from within. You are stronger than you think!

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